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Homes for Pets: Text
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Homes for Pets: About


Creating Friendships Between Pets and Owners Since 2002.

Guided by a love for animals and a culture of care, Homes for Pets is a site that finds loving owners for pets in need. The site allows potential owners to search for local pets in need, connect with local shelters, and receive communication about potential adoptions.

The biggest hurdle is signing up, which is why Homes for Pets needed me to design a simple, easy, and intuitive sign up process.

Homes for Pets: Text


The sign-up designs utilize a variety of UX design patterns. I used a sequencing pattern by breaking up the process into three simple steps across three screens. This pattern rewards users with a sense of accomplishment after each step is completed. It also wards off intimidation by ensuring the user that each step is quick and easy to complete. 

Another UX pattern I used in these designs is a form validation pattern. To avoid frustration and elicit trust in the user, this pattern gives immediate feedback on the form field input to let users know if their input was valid.

Finally, I used a limited choice cognition pattern to aid users in answering open-ended questions. This pattern offers a selection of responses for users to choose from, for example, the type of pet dropdown bar offers a selection of pets for owners to add to their list of desired pets.

Homes for Pets: Text
Homes for Pets: Work


Bright, Playful, and Friendly

I used a bright contrasting color scheme with cool colors and created a playful pattern to add texture to the background and tie in the logo. These elements create a playful and bright personality. I used a serif script that reads with a joyful and friendly voice to match the fun colors and designs.

Homes for Pets: Text
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Homes for Pets: Image
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